Saturday 16 April 2016

Pee Wee’s Big Holiday Review

Pee Wee’s Big Holiday

Watch Pee Wee’s Big Holiday video review HERE

I remember watching Peewee’s big adventure a long time back and it had a certain charm about it. I still remember the bar scene were he dances on top of the bar counter in frontof angry bikers.  Its been 28 years since we last saw pee wee Harman on the big screen soI thought I would review it  and plus Its was released onNetfix so had to review it. Plot of the movie is simple,Pee wee has a chance encounter with joemanganello from True blood. They immediately hit it off so joe invites Pee wee  to his birthday party in new york and pee wee travels from fairville to new york. Now joe plays a fictional version of himself in the movie.

Peewee meets lot of interesting characters like the three robbers, weird cave guy and of course the amish people because that is always an interesting dynamic. 
My Expectation was that it would be wacky and cartoony kind of movie, which it was but they could have done something better and tried to reach the same level as the Pee wee’sBig adventure did. I mean, We have seen this kind of cliché adventure movies before it is not something new. They played it safe and did not try anything new.
Another thing that bugged me was that they made the film like it was in the 1950’s, which annoyed me, and I felt that could have been updated and brought into 2016 a bit. I know it is meant to be appealing to kids but the scene were the three jocks come in to tell pee wee that they cant practice in the nights anymore’ that annoyed me because nobody talks like that anymore.
Joe manganeollo was amazing and nailed his part. Please somebody give him his own franchise already its time, he did a good job. There are cameos by artists from the previous pee wee show and movies. I didn’t watch them so I really didn’t recognize them.
In this movie pee wee has more than a couple love interests, even though he seems clueless at first.

It is filled with funny scenes that make me laugh. I liked the first  adventure and I like this one. Its not a masterpiece but It’s good enough to watch once!

I give it 5/10

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