Sunday 17 April 2016

Solace 2016 Review

Solace Review

Watch the video review of solace HERE

Starring Anthony Hopkins, Jeffery Dean morgan, Abbie Cornish, and Colin Farrell

An FBI agent asks help from a Psychic doctor to track down a serial killer behind the murders. Anthony Hopkins plays the role of “john Clancy” a psychic. He is also the Executive producer of the film. I think his character was trying to be funny and intense but he failed to capture the intensity that was required for the character. Editing of the film is also partly to blame for this, which I will talk about a little later. Jeffery morgan plays the role of the FBI Agent joe Merriiwether. I liked Jeffery from his “Supernatural” days but in this film I didn’t connect withhis character and he is used as tool to push the plot further. I liked Abbie Cornish in her role as Katherine Cowles, She played it well and I can easily say that she is one of the best things about the movie. 
Colin Farrell is also in this movie, I can’t say much about his character without ruining the film but I think he was not menacing enough in his role.  I did not buy the premise of his role at all in this this movie. 

Its  was not just the characters but there were couple of scenes which had problems that bugged me for example the scene where Agent Cowles first meets John, she places the Victim files on the kitchen counter and in the next shot they disappear or in the Scene where joe is in hospital in one scene and he is talking and looks like he is going to be ok  and in the next    ------ Spoiler Alert ------

He dies, now they could have easily showed him dying in the same scene but they did a dramatic cut to the funeral and I think it just didn’t work.

My final thoughts on this film:

Spoiler Alert!!!

Ending  that’s what I have the most problem with . So colin’s character wants Anthony’s charater to keep killing his place right; so that means he wants him to take up torch in his place What!!???  He is Fucking 90 years old and you want him to take it further? See this is why this movie doesn’t work. I think the Roles should have been reversed  Colin should have played Anthony’s role and Anthony Should have played Colin’s in this way allest the Climax would have worked ok now that I think about it many thing could have worked

Think about!!!! A little sexual tension between him and agent cowles, young father with dead child huh!!! It could have worked
What do you Think???

Alright  guys let me know what you think about the movie down in the Comments section If you like video then Subscribe or like a on this video

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